Island Surf School Surf Coach’s code of ethics

1/ Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being. (Within the context of the activity, treat everyone equally regardless of sex, disability, ethnic origin or religion)

2/ Ensure the surfer’s time spent with you is a positive experience. (All surfers are deserving of equal attention and opportunities)

3/ Treat each surfer as an individual. (Respect the talent, developmental stage and goals of each surfer and help them reach their full potential)

4/ Be fair, considerate and honest while keeping the experience Fun.

5/ Be professional and accept the responsibility of your actions. (Display high standards in your language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation. Display control, respect, dignity and professionalism at all times. Encourage your surfers to demonstrate the same qualities)

6/ Make a commitment to providing a quality service to your surfers. (Seek continual improvement through performance appraisal and ongoing coaching education. Maintain appropriate records)

7/ Operate within the rules and spirit of the sport, as demonstrated by Surfing Victoria, Surfing Australia and the International Surfing Association.

8/ Any physical contact with your surfers should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the surfer’s skill development.

9/ Refrain from any form of harassment towards your surfers. This includes verbal, physical and emotional abuse. (Be alert to any forms of abuse directed towards your surfers from and other sources while they are in your care)

10/ Provide a safe, fun environment. (Ensure equipment and facilities meet International Surfing Association standards)

11/ Show concern and caution toward sick and injured surfers. (If an accident occurs follow injury procedures as laid out in Island Surf Schools risk management plan. Provide a modified program where appropriate. Allow further participation in lesson only when appropriate. Encourage surfers to seek medical advice when required)

12/ Be a positive role model for your surfers. Island Surf School Coach Code of Ethics based on Australian Sports Commission Coaches Code of Ethics